Two New Hope Channels Added to the Family

Two New Hope Channels Added to the Family

Joe SloanSilver SpringFeb 9, 2018, 5:00 PM

Hope Channel France.

On Sabbath, January 13, Hope Channel France officially started. Congratulations to the European Division, Corrado Cozzi (Communication Director), and Jethro Camille (Hope Channel France Manager), and the multitude of others who were instrumental in getting this channel going. Please pray for success in reaching the French people, and the many other French-speaking people round the world who are benefited by the various channels that work in full, or part to minister to one of the largest language groups in the world of which seven World Divisions contain countries in which French is the national language.

Here is an announcement of the opening: Hope Channel France online

The web page of Hope Channel France can be found here. :

Umut-Omid (Umut: Turkish for Hope. Omid: Farsi for Hope)

Realizing that the Turkish, and Farsi speaking peoples were not being effectively reached by the mostly Arabic channel, Al-Wadd, the Middle East and North Africa Union made a commitment to create another channel for these two important language groups. Despite many challenges with resources and finances, the channel is now active 24/7. Al-Wadd director Amir Ghali notes, “We expect a huge increase in correspondence and feedback from the Turkish and Farsi audience, but most importantly in people who will give their hearts and lives to the Savior.” Please pray the people of these languages (mostly in Turkey, and Iran) come to a full understanding of God and his message of salvation for all.

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