Miracle Stories from Around the World

God is performing miracles every day through Hope Channel! Read the latest stories here from the President of Hope Channel International, Vyacheslav Demyan, as he shares the miraculous ways God is using Hope Channel in every corner of the world.

Emma Finds New Life Through "Hope for Africa"

For Emma in Kenya, life's burdens seemed unbeatable, especially as a single mother trying to provide for her two children, one of whom has cerebral palsy. In desperation, she turned to prostitution as a way to make money. In this harsh and unforgiving environment, she endured immense hardship and abuse.

Eventually, Emma managed to return to her family. Even so, she had entirely given up hope in life. But then, something extraordinary happened. Emma heard about the “Hope for Africa” evangelistic series. Tuning in, she heard Pastor Mark Finley preach about a question that weighed heavy on her heart: If God is so good, why is the world so cruel?

This experience changed Emma, giving her a new perspective on life and faith. Inspired by the promise of a fresh start through God's unconditional love, she embraced the opportunity to rebuild her life and renew her spiritual journey.

“I realized that no matter what I have done in life, God can forgive me, and I can be a new person and serve Him fully,” Emma said. “I am here because there is hope for tomorrow and for forever.”

When the world offered her nothing but despair, God gave her hope.

“Having had multiple sexual partners, Emma was fearful she had contracted HIV or AIDS. In fact, she was almost certain she had. Upon returning to Kenya, she was tested, and to her disbelief, the results came back negative. Shocked, she was tested three more times, and all came back negative.

“God protected me,” Emma reflected. “At that time, I didn’t realize it was God, but after coming here and listening to the messages from ‘Hope for Africa,’ I am certain. I look back and see what God has kept me from, and I do believe there is hope.”

As a supporter of Hope Channel International, you played an essential role in sharing the message of eternal hope with Emma and the 194,000 people who were baptized as a result of the “Hope for Africa” series.

We recognize that these incredible results are a direct blessing from God, but we also recognize that He used people – like you – to accomplish His mission of transforming lives. Through your donations, you helped make this series a reality.

Jesus is coming back soon, but until that day, we have work to do for the glory of His kingdom – and we can’t do it without your continued support.


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