Miracle Stories from Around the World

God is performing miracles every day through Hope Channel! Read the latest stories here from the President of Hope Channel International, Vyacheslav Demyan, as he shares the miraculous ways God is using Hope Channel in every corner of the world.

Hope For The World

Dear Lord,

We come before You with hearts full of gratitude for the unique ways You have led the Seventh-day Adventist Church and for the personal stories of faith, You have given each of us. May we be inspired to share our testimony with others, spreading the hope we have found in You. Amen.

Dear Friend,

Whenever I sit on a plane or in a taxi while traveling to visit any of our 83 global network channels, I pray, "Lord, please open an opportunity for me to witness You." Through conversations with Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, and people of many other faiths, I’ve learned one crucial lesson: Our personal story with God is the most powerful tool we have to touch lives.

God has given each of us a story, not only of our journey with Him but also of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. For over 180 years, God has led the Adventist Church in miraculous ways. At Hope Channel International, we are passionate about sharing these stories because we believe they have the power to change lives, and I am personally committed to spreading this message to those around me.

That’s why we’ve dedicated our efforts and resources to producing “The Hopeful.” This film is a testament to God’s incredible guidance of His people. It highlights His calling of Ellen White as His messenger, the revelation of the Sabbath, the ministry of Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary, and the remarkable insights about health, our relationship with God, and the Second Coming of Jesus. It’s a story we can be proud of because it’s the miraculous story of God leading His people on earth, being light and hope in preparation for His soon return.

As we celebrate the legacy of our pioneers this October and the anniversary of The Great Disappointment on October 22, 1844, we are deeply thankful for your support that made this film possible. I am excited to share that this month, the film is being released in the South Pacific region, with subsequent releases in Europe, South America, Africa, Asia, and beyond. This is possible because of loyal supporters like you.

Friends, “The Hopeful” is more than just a historical account; it’s a powerful narrative that continues to touch hearts today. People who are not Adventists, and even those who are not Christians, have been moved by this story of transformation and miracles that shaped the Adventist movement from its very beginning. 

The Power of a Shared Story

One story that stands out to me is from Korey Pollard, a Christian who has worked in Hollywood directing secular films and television shows for over 30 years. After watching “The Hopeful,” Korey felt a deep connection with the Adventist movement, even though he’s not an Adventist himself. “I felt affirmed in my faith,” he said. “I felt like I belonged as part of this hopeful group.”

Korey’s experience didn’t end with the film. After watching it, he began reading Ellen White’s “Steps to Christ” and integrating its teachings into his life. “Reading the book, I thought, ‘Wow, am I Adventist?’” Korey said, reflecting on how deeply the principles resonated with his spiritual walk. Through this experience, Korey discovered a connection with the Adventist faith that has continued to deepen his relationship with God.

Another remarkable story comes from a practicing Hindu who walked into a Seventh-day Adventist church in Virginia after watching “The Hopeful.” This man told Pastor Vinny MacIssac, “I recently saw a movie called ‘The Hopeful,’ and it was like a light before my eyes.” For several weeks following, the man returned to the church, eager to ask more questions about the Good Shepherd. Please join me in praying that this man and all others continue to seek the Lord and find their way to the waters of baptism.

Join Us in Sharing Hope

This film is a living testament to God’s ongoing work through His church, and it is reaching hearts and minds far beyond our denomination. As we celebrate the legacy of our pioneers, we are reminded of the sacred responsibility we have to share this message with the world. 

At Hope Channel, our vision is bold: to reach 1 billion people globally with the message of eternal hope by 2030. To accompany “The Hopeful” and extend its reach around the world, we’ve created an online Bible study course that dives into the lives of early church leaders and their lasting impact on the world. This course, among others that answer questions about heaven and hell, mental health, Jesus’ second coming, and more, are powerful tools leading people to the waters of baptism. Creating and sharing these life-changing courses requires significant resources, and we need your partnership to continue expanding Hope.Study. Every gift makes a difference, and we ask that you join us in whatever capacity you are able. If you are feeling the tug of the Holy Spirit, I invite you to give $500 today, which can fully fund the writing of a new course. Even a gift of $10 or $25 pushes us closer to our vision of reaching 1 billion people.

By supporting this work, you are helping to spread a message that transforms lives, inspires baptisms, and prepares the world for Christ’s soon return. Please, join us.

In His service,

Vyacheslav Demyan
President of Hope Channel International

P.S. Hope Channel is reaching the most populous cities and the most remote villages, from Japan to Australia, Norway to Kenya. Your support today will help create new online Bible study courses that change lives. Please donate today to help us reach 1 billion people by 2030.

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