Miracle Stories from Around the World

God is performing miracles every day through Hope Channel! Read the latest stories here from the President of Hope Channel International, Vyacheslav Demyan, as he shares the miraculous ways God is using Hope Channel in every corner of the world.

Hope Sabbath School Touches an Angry Heart


Lyndon, residing in Canada, once struggled with impatience and a quick temper, challenges that strained his relationships between him and his family. He hoped that deepening his understanding of the Bible would give him a new heart.

It was this search that led Lyndon to “Hope Sabbath School” through our Hope Channel app. The program, with its interactive and in-depth discussions on Scripture, opened a new world for him. The Scripture songs and weekly lessons helped him memorize verses, but more importantly, they softened his heart and calmed his spirit. 

Over time, Lyndon noticed a significant change in himself – he became more caring, patient, and compassionate toward his wife and children. This newfound peace and understanding propelled him to use “Hope Sabbath School” to teach others, turning his personal growth into a tool for ministry.

Lyndon's story captures our enthusiasm for launching Hope Channel Canada, creating a space dedicated to our Canadian audience. Your support has enabled us to grow to 83 channels worldwide, and now, with the launch of Hope Channel Canada on March 1, 2024, we're poised to reach even more souls with the message of eternal hope.

Our grand vision is to reach 1 billion souls with the message of eternal hope by 2030, and with Hope Channel Canada, we're taking a significant leap in making this dream a reality. 

And it is because of you. Your unwavering support fuels our mission and makes miracles of transformation possible every day. Let's celebrate the launch of Hope Channel Canada together, looking forward to the countless lives that will be touched by the love of God through this new venture.

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