Miracle Stories from Around the World

God is performing miracles every day through Hope Channel! Read the latest stories here from the President of Hope Channel International, Vyacheslav Demyan, as he shares the miraculous ways God is using Hope Channel in every corner of the world.

Miracle Stories Unfold with “The Hopeful” Premiere


We hope you were able to join us as “The Hopeful” premiered in over 900 locations nationwide in April, serving as a powerful evangelism event for Christians and non-Christians alike. This film is a heartfelt exploration of how deep belief in the Bible and hope in a loving God can carry us through even the toughest times. It's about God’s miraculous intervention in the life of people who, despite facing overwhelming odds, inspired the world with eternal hope.

We’ve been humbly overwhelmed by the reactions and stories pouring in from those moved by the Holy Spirit through the film. Just listen to these incredible stories:

Adam had a deep spiritual awakening after watching "The Hopeful." Captivated by the Seventh-day Adventist beliefs shown in the film, he felt a strong connection to its teachings about Christ’s return and the importance of the Sabbath. Encouraged by what he discovered, Adam has adopted the identity of a Seventh-day Adventist and is actively exploring this new way of life, even though he has never been to an Adventist church before.

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Maria, from Portugal, attended an early community screening. Despite facing a language barrier, the message about the soon return of Jesus and the Sabbath transcended words. Moved by her first experience, she attended a second screening, where the film's emotional music brought her to tears. “The Hopeful” is so powerful that it can even break language barriers to touch hearts! 

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James, a Presbyterian, found "The Hopeful" eye-opening. He was struck by how the Seventh-day Adventist movement formed from a diverse group of Christians, including a Presbyterian, all united in their search for Biblical truth. This inclusion of his own denomination sparked his curiosity about Adventism. Motivated by the film, James is now exploring Adventism further, eager to deepen his understanding of this unique faith.

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A couple from Russia attended a screening of "The Hopeful.” The film resonated with them, especially the scenes showing a group actively searching for truth during a time of widespread lies and misinformation, reflecting their own search for genuine faith in a country where religious expression is sometimes discouraged.

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Anais shared that after her family watched "The Hopeful," her 8-year-old daughter was motivated to explore for herself the Biblical prophecies studied by William Miller, a main character of the film. As soon as her daughter returned home from watching the film, she immediately turned to her Bible, with a notepad in hand, eagerly taking notes. As her mother said, “The movie fulfilled its purpose for us!” Clearly the film affected even young viewers.

These stories are just a few examples of how "The Hopeful" is igniting change and inspiring the studying of the Bible on the second coming of Jesus. Even more, over 500 requests came to screen this film all over the world. People are moved by this story of God’s love and hope and want to share it with their communities. And we give God all the praise and glory for these miracles!

Thank you so much for your support in making this premiere a success and for using the film as a tool to spread hope in your community. It’s efforts like yours that enable Hope Channel to keep doing impactful missional projects that transform lives and reach the unreached with the message of eternal hope.

If "The Hopeful" inspired you and you'd like to help us continue with large-scale, impactful missional projects that make a difference in the lives of people worldwide, please consider making a donation to support our future projects. Every bit helps us further our mission to touch the lives of 1 billion people by the end of the decade.

Thanks for being such a vital part of our community. Let’s keep sharing stories that bring light and healing to the world!

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