Miracle Stories from Around the World
God is performing miracles every day through Hope Channel! Read the latest stories here from the President of Hope Channel International, Vyacheslav Demyan, as he shares the miraculous ways God is using Hope Channel in every corner of the world.
The Day I Saw You Film
Dear Lord,
We come before You in awe of the ways You work in the hearts of Your people, often in miraculous ways. Thank You for the moments when You break through the darkness with Your light, offering hope, peace, and the promise of eternal life. We pray for those who are searching for answers, that they may find truth in You. Guide us, Your earthly church, to continue the work You have started, sharing Your message of salvation in places where it is needed most. Bless this mission and inspire us to reflect Your love to the world. Amen.

The hospital waiting room was quiet, except for the sounds of 3-year-old Ashraf playing with his toys. Yasmina clung to the faintest hope that her husband would pull through. But when the doctor opened the doors with solemn eyes and said, “May he rest in peace,” her world shattered. Her husband was gone, and she was now alone to raise their young son, Ashraf.
Grief overwhelmed Yasmina. That night, lying on her bed, she cried out in anguish: “Why, God? Why should we die? Is this suffering necessary?” Exhausted from the weight of her pain, she fell into a restless sleep.
Then, in her dreams, she saw Him.
A man appeared – radiant like she had never seen before, but also kind and full of peace. “Don’t be afraid. I have found you,” He said. Yasmina, overcome with wonder, asked, “Who are you, and what are you doing here?” He answered, “I’m here to comfort you. I’m the one you’ve heard about all your life,” and then He vanished.
When she awoke, the dream lingered in her mind with unshakable clarity. It wasn’t just a dream – it was something more. The man had filled her with peace unlike anything she had ever known. From that moment, Yasmina was committed to finding Him again.
For ten years, she searched. She asked her friends, but they mocked her. Even Ashraf questioned her memory and if the dream was real from the beginning at all. Despite the disbelief of others, she carried the memory of His presence in her heart, holding on to hope that one day she would find answers. And then, during an ordinary visit to a car mechanic, her hope was renewed.
Yasmina shared her story with Yousef, the mechanic. She described the man in her dream – the peace He brought, the kindness in His eyes. To her surprise, Yousef said, “I know the person you’re talking about. I’ll introduce you to Him.”
The next day, Yousef and another woman from his church, Anna, visited Yasmina. Together, they told her more about Jesus, the man in her dream. But Yasmina was still confused. “Where is He? Why didn’t you bring Him with you?” she asked. Anna responded gently, “He’s with us, Yasmina. You may not see Him now, but there’s a book that will help you know Him better. It will help you understand who He is.”
As Yasmina listened, Yousef shared something that left her speechless. “This is the same book your husband read before he died. It was through this book that he became a believer.” He continued, “The book says that one day you will see your husband again, and Ashraf will see his father – at Jesus’ second coming.”
The truth washed over Yasmina like a flood of hope. She would see her husband again. And she would see the man from her dream. After ten long years of searching, she had found her answers, and her heart overflowed with peace.
From a Dream to a Film
This incredible true story inspired our team in the Middle East and North Africa region, Hope Channel Arabic - Alwaad, to create their powerful new film, The Day I Saw You. The film explores how God uses dreams and visions to reach hearts, especially in regions where faith in Jesus is challenging. Yasmina’s journey, brought to life in this film, demonstrates how God touches lives and then sends Hope Channel to continue providing answers through media. Hope Channel is committed to reaching the unreached with the message of hope, sharing God’s love in regions where faith in Jesus is dangerous.
I am so excited to share this film with you. I pray it is a blessing to you as it has been to thousands in the Middle East and North Africa region already. The message of eternal hope is transforming new hearts every day!
God Wants to Collaborate With Us
Yasmina’s story is part of a greater truth: God often begins touching the hearts of people, but then invites His followers to continue the work He started. The story of Saul in Acts 8 is one of the most striking examples of this collaboration. On the road to Damascus, Saul encounters Jesus in a blinding vision. Jesus stops him in his tracks, speaking directly to him and calling him to transformation. But instead of completing the work Himself, Jesus instructs Saul to go into the city, where Ananias, a disciple, is waiting to restore his sight and baptize him.
This powerful story shows how God combines heavenly work with the work of His earthly church to bring people to faith. Jesus began the work in Saul’s heart, but He entrusted Ananias and the community of believers to continue it, guiding Saul into his new life as a follower of Christ. Similarly, God gave Yasmina the dream in a deeply personal moment, but He entrusted His followers – Hope Channel – to continue the work and help her discover the love of Christ.
Friends, this collaboration is at the heart of Hope Channel’s mission. As part of a bold vision to reach 1 billion people with the message of eternal hope by 2030, Hope Channel uses a variety of tools to connect people in all corners of the world to the gospel. From films like The Day I Saw You to a variety of digital platforms, online Bible studies, and personal interactions with Bible workers, Hope Channel provides safe and meaningful ways for people to explore their faith and find the truth of Jesus – and it is all possible thanks to the generous support of people like you.
Reaching Hearts in Restricted Places
Openly sharing the gospel in regions like the Middle East and North Africa is not only difficult, but often dangerous. Religion is tightly controlled, and following Jesus can result in social rejection, persecution, or worse. Yet, even in these regions, God continues to work in miraculous ways. With God’s guidance and your partnership, Hope Channel provides a lifeline to those searching for answers in some of the world’s most challenging areas.
This is why I am writing to you today – your support is essential in making this ministry possible. With your help, we can continue sharing the gospel in ways that speak directly to the realities of life in restricted areas using distribution methods that are accessible, safe, and life-changing. Together, we can reach the unreached and fulfill God’s mission to share hope with all nations, tribes, tongues, and people.
Will you join us in this mission? God is already touching hearts. Now, we must complete the work He has entrusted to us.
In His service,
Vyacheslav Demyan
President of Hope Channel International
Hope Channel's mission of spreading hope and healing cannot happen without your support. Be a part of the miracles happening around the world. Join us as a messenger of hope today.
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Hope Channel's mission of spreading hope and healing cannot happen without your support. Be a part of the miracles happening around the world. Join us as a messenger of hope today.