November 2021
by Derek Morris | president, Hope Channel International, Inc.Silver Spring, MD
The Bible is full of appeals to be thankful for God’s blessings! The Psalmist declares, “It is good to give thanks to the LORD!” (Psalm 92:1 NKJV) and the apostle Paul tells us “in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you!” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV).
How can we give thanks during a global health pandemic? Well, here’s one reason why our Hope Channel team is giving thanks during this challenging time: viewers are searching for hope more earnestly than ever before and lives are being transformed! Here’s a beautiful testimony from Teresa, a Hope Channel viewer in Michigan:
Last year, at the beginning of the pandemic, I said to my husband, “We need to get on our knees and pray!” I started reading the entire bible and at that time I turned on the TV and found Hope Channel. The program that was on addressed what I had been reading about in my Bible, so I kept on watching. Eventually found the Hope Sabbath school program. I knew I needed to find a church that kept the Sabbath but wasn't sure who was open during the pandemic. I would drive by the local Seventh-day Adventist church every now and then and the gates were closed. Then one day in late October I thought, “I'm going to go by the church again,” and praise God the gates were open. The cleaning lady was there, and I gave her my name and number for the pastor to call. After a lot of visits, Bible studies, and prayers with the pastor, I chose to be baptized. Thank God for Hope Channel and all you do!
Each life-transformation is a reason to give thanks to God! We can also give thanks for impact partners like you who are supporting our global evangelistic media network. With 68 channels broadcasting in more than 80 languages, lives are being transformed around the world. Your donations and prayers are making a difference. Thank you for being part of this great miracle of God!